the children of satan

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on cosmic reality

at the beginning of time ...

there was nothing but dark and empty space

and in this nothingness ...

there was developing an entity

dreaming of worlds of wisdom ...

wanting light !

and so it came to be !

infinitely empty space

and all this universe

are having the same amount of total energy

so …

any creator does not have to create energy

he just does want to have a universe

and it will happen

because a universe is part positive energy

and part negative energy

so …

it totals up mathematically to zero

on time ....

what was at the beginning of time ?

to know what to do today

we have to know what was and why is every thing here now

at the beginning of time > there was only emptiness every where !

why ? >

because at the beginning there could only be nothing ........

where would it have come from ?

but space has been there all ways !

 it was definitely not created at the big bang ........

because ? >

what would have been there before ?

but empty space >>>>

now some one will come up and say >

there is no beginning and no end of time !

and surely >

the beginning of time was with out a start > endlessly !

and the end of time will be with out an end >

infinitely !

why is the universe expanding ever more today ?

because all those trillion suns 

are pushing themselves away from each other
through their radiation and if all those suns are burned out some day
there will be no more drive to push them
away from each other and so the gravity will prevail
and they will for almost an eternity
be falling together to creating the next big bang

on cosmic religion

the universe
needs sapiens to perceive
to love and to protect creation religion does not mean praying
and asking god for winning the lottery god is simply the entity
having had the wish to create

needing homo sapiens

to appreciate this creation

 religion and science
have the same answers
if both are valid

every citizen of this universe
has to know about creation
has to honor this creation

and has to be guarding this creation
as his first priority

authentic sapient life can only be
if cosmic reality being made public
to all cosmic citizens there fore the only dogma
in a cosmic religion being cosmic reality itself

so ... what is the only valid religion ?

resulting out of the above ....

use the universe ... and any world

only as defined by creation !

and consequently from this derive >

all commandments >

fundamental rights from !

as well as the requirement for peace !

all must recognize the cosmic reality

and then ...  guarantee all this !

meaning an accountable life

providing for all ...

no mirage > without vanity !

without physical force > without taboos ...

all must be addressable !

meaning capable of >

being a responsible citizen ...

on government

inhumane needs … determine inhumane consciousness

so only humane need can bring out a humane consciousness

it can not be about

that decisions are made

according to the majority principle

because this is more then wrong

as the state of this world is proving

as the history is prove off

but we have to find the right decision

and that's just an argumentocracy

where the best argumentation

the last one

which is enforceable for everyone

because no one can find a better one


or do you have a better idea ?

since we can not be free to destroy any world

we have to make sure ... no one will get this evil idea !

so we need an argumentocracy

where every one has a voice bringing fore ward

any solution ... any violation of cosmic law

and if no one can bring a better argument fore ward

then the last will be used as for all binding

or is there a better solution possible ?

the planet of the fata morgana

for all those centuries now
we have never seen any wisdom developing
no satisfaction achieved any where

where the present generation
are the infinite selection of stupidity
where all those " scientists "
greater idiots

as all the neanderthals combined

where all those stone age tribes
where all like a genius

where any dark age religion today
is the only dim light shining !

since any one refusing any higher order
can only be called insane

where any one calling
for freedom to extinguish all life
should simply be put away

and informed so long
till he can see the light of wisdom
intil he will not be committing suicide for all

on the planet ...

of the billion fata morganas

there can be no real solution no hope it all because every one is just striving for being a better problem a better dying " I dearly need a bigger car or I will be left out on the race to ending all life on this planet of the billion fata morganas or ... I need my palace renovated to having more heating oil delivered to be dying in peace there or ... I need a zero energy palace then I can be bragging about ... that the CO2 in my air is getting every day higher ! or ... if I do not make enough loot to buying the most expensive whore on the planet of the idiots I will not be getting into this black house to be becoming the biggest fairy teller in the history of the United Fairy Tellers " or I will have to becoming an entertainer writing the greatest fairy tales of all times or becoming the greatest " scientists " or playing the greatest games of all times to be keeping up this insanity till the day every one dies so what do we need ? certainly ... not all those fata morganas but a real aspiration of a paradise for all ... for all time ! so we need no democracy where every one can vote in a free and secret election with the help of all those other idiots on any fata morgana becoming law but a real solution for every one ! and how to we work out this solution ? simply ... we are asking every one > to tell us ... what would save all of planet earth and be the best solution ? for every one ... and this will be discussed and proven by all those billions and after having been proven to being the real solution will it apply for all now ... I hear all those billions screeming > " it will never work ! " and you are certainly right it will never work what you are doing and if you are not becoming wise you will be dying for sure ! because there will be a second venus coming up where all the water being steaming hot no oxygen left ... because all has been oxidized to burning every thing being able to ... through what you are calling your success in your insanity if we ... the trillion homo sapiens would let you go on with this insanity you are so cherishing and ... we are having stone age examples of a responsible life ... becoming of interest to the many knowing what all those calling a success being simply a total failure ... an infinite stupidity like the amish ... the menonites ... and we need a super moderne utopia version of this called simply >>> " the homo sapiens "

  we are ... homo sapiens

documenting a day in the life of  >
first planet < in the year 154 after creation
of the first human settlement in this universe ......

note .... a responsible life style ...
can not only be the biggest fun in the universe ....
but being the only life style ... working endlessly ....

because every one can be convinced of what he is doing !
forever ......

since we are homo sapiens ...
we have
of course no democracy
certainly no secret and free voting

but of course an argumentocracy
meaning ... where is the best solution
is used by all

because only the best solution
can be shaping our future for all eternity
where our universe
and all worlds
are preserved to eternity

and should someone
bring forward a scientifically provable
better solution > then this will be used

of course we have no theocracy
even though it is our entire existence
to conserve
this universe and all its people
so ... we live according to a religion

there is no humanity with power positions
but an alienating hierarchy

and alienation creates automatically
and principally criminal energy

which will lead to a secession
as soon as no power can prevent it
because power exertion makes it natural
to creating this cleavage

of course there is no money here
and consequently no capitalism
since this only can be the end
of every thing

we create everything that we need
so .... that we have everything
and of course we can keep it
for millions of years ...

we are looking at > first planet
at our very right > the sun

below left

what is looking like a tiny moon
being the space ship
watching out for the safety .....

parked in geo stationary orbit over the settlement
with only the sensor doors open !

we are seeing no lites an the planet be low !
no sign of any settlement ... or manufacturing
the only thing to indicating any population as of now

are the out rigger sail boats beached
the solar electric rovers > the river boats .... 
but there is an emergency plan ready
to put all those under cover should any need arise !

the camouflaged hydro electric plant at the river falls
is not operating

the lites for orientation in all the housing
and control centers is being supplied
by tiny local thermo nuclear power plants
from the former uses on the roboter ships
and planet rovers  ....

there is no other hind of any human population
any where from here ....

naturally ... no broadcasting
of any radio trans mission of this world
can be received at any distance

as all communication is done 
by quanta communicators
low power short distance equipment
through under ground lines  ....

we are now in the main command room
the display showing >

automatic surveillance mode on
no space sensors > no space ships
now asteroid on coordinates 

6 39 15.70 > 2 16 22.17

received quanta message from planet two
but no frequency messages > 
since automatic mode started !

the crew sleeping
like all residents be low on the planet ....

we are now going toward the first planet 
seeing a robot ship > monitoring the settlement
seeing a predator going toward it ....

notifying the nearest planet rover automatically
at the planet surface

there the animal repulsion system is activated
and the tiger is making a U turn and going off ....

we are now in a cave > at the rivers bank
seeing two children in the dawn of the new day !
the increasing light being brought in their room
by an automated mirror from the rising sun

the led clock showing 5 45 .... the date 05 03 0154 
at this moment 

the boy is waking up and looking what time
and saying aloud

" having to be getting up soon ! "

when his sister is opening he
r eyes too .....

now we are in the kitchen of the cave
where the boy is telling his parents there >
that he does not want to go to school today

but be playing with his friends at the river ....
his mom asking him >

what they are having in school today ?
and he startles ....

because he was to show off
his experiment of mixing colors today !

so ... he thinks

he will be going to school today after all ...
to be showing off > an electric motor

where a disk of all colors in sectors ....
will be becoming an off white once turning ...

the mother saying
we are having

commanders day 100th anniversary
coming up in 3 days

then we will all be having off ...
and dancing and singing together all day long
do you remember what he has been doing for us ?

yes ... says the girl

he was the founder of our religion
he and his crew of a space ship

put the tyrant and his bandits of the empire
on a planet to die ...

while having time to realize
all their wrong doing ...

and settled this world for us
free of any wrong doings ....

I am > because we all are !
and we can be > because I can be .....

what is the supreme law ?

the universe ... and any world
use only as defined by creation !

and consequently from this derive
all commandments 

fundamental rights from !

as well as the requirement for peace !
all must recognize the present reality
and then ...  guarantee a new !
meaning an accountable life
providing for all ...

no mirage > without conceit !
without physical force > without taboos ...
all must be addressable !
meaning capable of 

being a responsible citizen ...

then he went off in his spirit later on
leaving his body be hind here

to be helping a native population living
after our religion in some other galaxy !
and this day we are celebrating
what he having done for us ....

all the other relatives are coming in now ...
many being over a hundred years old

they are fixing breakfast now
from the seeds

they have been collecting days ahead
and rolling them out

soaking them since last evening
and now adding fruits and nuts to it !
after eating the kids are going off to school >

half of the adults
are going collecting lunch ingredients
the others going to their work ....
since this being the first settlement ...

the galactic c
ounsel being here
and the co ordination

of all the things to being done

the counsel members are considering
the danger from the asteroid
sending a robot ship to it

to making star dust out of it
to fertilizing our planet !

the message from planet two
will be considered now ...

to our dear galactic counsel members 
as you know ....

we have arrived at our new home month ago ! taking inventory of all plants and animals pathogens and toxins ... atmospheric components being confirmed ... animal population is in a very early state ! having selected a location for the new settlement ! like our first> at first planet ... at a river bank in a desert within the tropics >

since the sun shining less than at first planet > we will be limiting the settlements to the near equator ... there are limited places for caves ... so we will later be building

partially submerged housing there
since the bank mostly does not have enough slope to it and since there .... be no more need for exclusively camouflaged housing ...

we will be all moving into are new housing now

to be celebrating commanders day ...
all together on our new future planet !

leaving the space ship two > at automatic command mode ...

our dearest regards to all of you
for having made this possible ....

commander ss2

the counsel members compose a reply and congratulations >
for the successful start of a new settlement ....
on the second planet ...

there while in a another galaxy > the spirit of the commander !
still working on an evolution to a higher race > there !

the harbor being down river >
the space craft factory being at the hydro electric plant

up the river  ...

right here > many service work shops for all the technology used
note books having direct led screens ... using less than 1 watt >
the rest having only 100 mhz > and the OS being optimized
as well as all the applications for this ....

there is only one model for each use >
and that being build to last a 1000 years ....

then at 11 they all coming together again to eating lunch
under the trees by the river ...

then at 1 pm they are going to take place
at the workers who are now hunting
and collecting for diner and the next day until 5 pm

then eating together with their families ...

after they are just resting and talking things over
so no problems are unsolved ...

till at about mid night > they are having a snack
to be sleeping again till the morning ....

there is no hierarchy ...

because this would be an alienation
and be a coming problem for all !

everything must be
transparent >
everything must be understood by all !

only in an emergency >

there is a command structure > thus eg in a spaceship
at a sea crossing > so if there is no time for talks !

but even then all orders ... spoken about in retrospect >
and reviewed by all ... to find the better answer !

just as there is no democracy or theocracy ...
since only ... if all can agree > the answer will be right !

and only if there is no time there will be >

temporary solutions used ....
till a valid solution is found !

and should any individual or a group
not be responsible for our universe >

not willing to be responsive ...
then this necessity will be carried forward with all force !

while there is every freedom to act on your own
there must be no exclusion for any one or any thing >

everything must > stay part of the creation !
because as soon as anybody is excluded

he will be feeling alienated ....
then arises >>> a criminal association ...

and each organized crime on a world >
even this whole universe > we will  prevent !
there can be no freedom for the destruction of a people
or a world > and this is the core of our religion !

where there is no deception what so ever

only homo sapiens > knowing exactly > what they are doing >
and what effect this is having on eternity ...

and now ... a billion years later ...

our commanders idea still working fine !
the only difference >

we are having populated almost a million galaxies
where there are a million planets each ... having a few millions ....

so we are a trillion strong >

but still there is no where any war >
no force necessary ...

since we solve any problem every day ...

so our galactic nation > note singular !

because we are all united to keep things just this way ....
meaning there is no competition for any thing worthless !

destructive ....

we are using still the same concept technology
no need for a million different printers > pcs

but to having total star peace guarantied  !

so now ... we are having to look at this very great problem
many millions of lite years away in what those problems there

call their milky way ....

so we are now in geostationary orbit over this planet earth !
this being like a cold shower in the morning  ....

already from this distance >
because we are seeing millions of lites >

on the dark side of the planet !
because these poor things need to be having
all this diversion going on

till they are falling asleep in their bed
while watching television !

our spectrum analyzers having millions of signals
already received since from very far away ....

we are now checking out the planets environment
seeing all this floating garbage drifting in the oceans
checking water quality > contaminated with heavy metals

while predators are going strong !!!
and are under conservation ...

the smaller fish are being depleted .....
insanity where ever we are looking !

because these democracies >
are having those in power

having the greatest insane ideas >
every where waste > frustration

entertainment > diversion > illness >
speeding from one idiocracy to the next !

we can not stand this any longer ....
we are having to call the galactic pest control ?

because nowhere >
can those natives even discuss their problems  ...
let alone solve them !

and we see just clearly for our very eyes >
what those insane will be doing
in a million years ....

wasting all this galaxy and then beyond .....

we need to realize >
that .... this here ... is the planet of satan !

where the individual either will ...
taking care of his psychopathic interests >
at the cost of this world >

meaning this environment and his people
or he must believe that everything will be >>>

well at the end  !!!
otherwise he will not be desirable anywhere
because shunned all over !

because the aspiration of this satan
is definitely the enslavement of this population
for the purposes of the destruction of this planet >
and this is not the first time !

around 75 million years ago > this project satan has been started
and another world was destroyed and many millions
made to evil zombies of this satan !

these souls then came here > and
created  this planet of satan!
incarnated in these chimpanzees >
and their mischief started again ...

only if we realize this reality > in everything we do > retain >
we can keep the evil of using us > as the zombies for his envy !
meaning use us for his purposes > meaning destruct gods creation
because this evil > is just envious of
gods success !
he can not bear this creation ...

as well as many of this population > can not stand this creation !
because otherwise they would not deny its existence ....
and without any be lief in god

going down the road of destruction
or all of these co operating "religions">
meaning this hypocritical ...

the ones >  continuously
as zombies just helping this evil satan ...

not be heeding this reality !

money .... can only be the biggest problem !

just think of ...

you would not have to get it every which way you could !?
and then you could not go to a car dealer and buying one of those
biggest problems you could think of > and then you could not
get to a gas station !!!

and wasting all the hydro carbons

and in 10 years > this contraption would be needing a replacement !
there while you could be getting a solar electric car > lasting a millennia !
wasting no resources > and making a lot more fun to drive it !

if only your government would allow you to be driving this slow
and you could be affording to buy one of those

on the contrary > if there is no money >
and you do not need to be driving around all over >
and you work place is right next door ....

and all of the things you need !
are right there >

being brought to you by a hydro electric power train
by a solar voltaic river boat >

or being right there produced !

what a wonderful world this would be
where every one would be doing things >
because they want to be doing them !

because they are having all the time >
to making every thing lasting for ever ....

and they are not having to making them to sell in competition
but just giving them away on any one appreciating them

everyone must answer for themselves >

whether he is working for his successful dying !
for example > in the now economy be a shame of himself ...

or if he is working on a future ....
for example....
guaranteeing human dignity ...
and long term safety !

and everyone must bear the consequences
for his doings .....

he who believes ...

that there be a difference in principal
between the past and the today's nations
or between all these nations here off ....

is having a thinking disorder !

because everywhere today and in the past >
people in a group ...... are forced into line !
and these groups forced to a nations line .....

and then all the nations ... to see how a climate is flipping !
because nowhere > is the universal law in effect ....

meaning the law of this universe >  the creation of this !
so this whole idea of a sovereignty > being wrong .....

because no individual can be free > about his aspirations >
except his personal preferences

so .... " I prefer
now to put some green garb on or maybe .... "

neither ... can any nation decide > whether it >
will be wasting the planetary resources now ....

or .... can any world decide
to have
all these environmental disasters ....
nor can this galaxy decide > whether or what law she to have ....

since everything should be responsible
therefore understandable > meaning humane !

so there can in principle >
be no
animals in a human settlement !
that is simply unacceptable>

because they can > never understand >
that it is not humane > to behave like an animal !

or a bug ....

on planet earth

homo sapiens?

mindless destruction !
who mean

a state would be sovereign

for example

the planetary resources can be squandered

to glorify a democracy

be flipping the climate?

or there could be a freedom of religion

so the citizen could believe what he wants !

so finish off his world ?

or the citizens could walk around

with a predator animal pack

guarding humans ?

that is absurd !

that can never work

that is why it does not work

that is why no one knows

what could be done ?

with this pest ...

which must be going under state supervision !

the problem seeming ...

that all those are perpetually
in puberty and because this having proofing to them
that their parents are incapable
of being responsible they are stuck into
his phase of this development so how do you get them out of it ?
if all this trauma is much to painful for them
so tending to being avoided and instead wanting love and fun
like any infantile
any small baby so what would any woman want ?
but to lying in front of the fire place
with her big daddioo having made billions
in realty watching some flick from hollywood
taking flight from reality

this population is not any hope of our universe
but a danger to

not even a potential interest in knowledge

authentic communication or solutions but ever more propaganda
for their satanic state there for all those criminals
can not tolerate humans or to guarantee their human rights but all their existence
their very quality
their success >>> no homo sapiens ! just this selection of criminals ....


all those billions

have no taste what so ever
may not have any taste it all ! because their very selection
is to be guarding all those criminal tastes

all those will never learn any thing from history 

because they want to stay in power
and those not staying in power
will never change any thing
but will be changed

the destiny of planet earth is determined

through the fact of this being
the planet of satan and all those billions
are zombies of satan being just jealous of creation
so he can just waste creation
to satisfy this emotion and we ... the trillion homo sapiens
the guardians of creation can do nothing else but to save creation
by just eliminating this population because they are not learning from their history
or from us > because they have no free will so what do you think will happen ?

galactic foundation

on satanic eve

and now ...
we will be looking at
the source of all this evil >

how can a planetary population ?
be this insane > to waste their very future
in a hundred years .... ?

being not even able to talk about
this driven population ...
about their insanity

let us start with what every one can see
in every t v show ... in all this propaganda
in every news paper or internet >

we are seeing satanic eve
being not even able to talk about
why she is not willing to even let humans
talk about any solution

about why she is so loving towards animals
especially predators !

why she is so loving artificiality
meaning ... all this no sense at all art
all this virtual reality

why there is every citizen talking about
saving jobs ???

when no one should be talking about them
but to work on a humane paradise !
an a meaningful life

a responsible way of life !

have you ever tried to make any sense out of ?
what satanic eve is even saying ?

it is making no sense it all !

so let us look at what is happening
when her son is being born

what will she do ?

she will be training him to being
a trained predator

like the one with the dog tag on !
loving her ....

just waiting for her every insane wishes
guarding her till death

she will not let him say one word on reality
on this tormenting him to his

spiritual death in no time it all !

and what will she do with her husband ?
will she want to be sailing off to paradise
any responsible living it all ?

or will she be buying all this waste every day
wanting all this flying to hell
her home ...

to satans home !

so ... this being the planet of satan
and every one of those billions is a satanic eve
or a satanic adam > wasting all humans
bombing every hope to their
very death

where only the freedom
to waste every thing is wanted

where no human will be able to exist
because all this is not honorable

but a shame to all our universe

have you any idea now ?
why we have no argumentocracy here on earth !


why there is no solution possible
why only problems are getting better every day !

because every one is a conceited idiot
thinking about nothing but their vanity ....

for as long as ... all those billions
are striving just for their fata morgana
there will be no authentic human paradise
just death ...

why satan ?

what has been causing all this madness ?

why are they all such negative energies ?

why can not they even let any thing be ?

let alone have a positive effect ?

like impressing any homo sapiens ?
or value any such ?

why are they all ... not even capable of dialogue

not even beginning to learn any wisdom ?

because after the time ... after our creator

which is called god here on

the entity

could dream of worlds of wisdom

in this endless darkness

in this emptyness

and that is why he created this universe

from nothing

and then an opposite entity

envious ... of this positive achievement

of this success

and since that time ... he can not dream of anything else

but the destruction of all this success

billion monsters

with their fata morgana
guaranteed to bring death
bred by the satanic state

to appease their envy
on everything intelligent life
end in this universe
as the only task
as a dying goal

where no one has understanding
can do with

since it is the madness od envy
when everything happens
serving all death

where there is no dialogue
because reality cannot be touched
since all their crazyness
would end

so this whole appearance
of this sparkling water
over there

that cannot be there at all
that can never be achieved

because everything is just a sham

so the reality
to understand

then abolish all of this
not just senseless

but the surest death in this universe

since these billions
guaranteed not to be instructable
may be

all your qualifications
all your education
this is their career

this total loss of consciousness

if a satanic state

can  do make probaganda with
a free democratic basic order

then it can only be a disaster
because then we have a factual anarchy
a contempt for people > a 2nd venus
because it cannot be competitive
everyone do what they want
anyone can do that

think for yourself!

so he could think ...
something that is impossible in principle
otherwise he can not be there
in this mass of madness

so this satanic state is breeding
the non thinking ... ego idiot

in principle not
worthy of a person

so it guarantees
violating any human rights

so we have

an organized mass of criminals here

where every one will serve this satanic state !

 or he can not participate it all ...

the argumentocracy

where everyone has a voice
not the tyranny of the crowd
not the tyranny of a tyrant

the argumentocracy ...
In principle not just the only one
to be right decision making

but she also forms with her argumento culture
the best citizen

from this follows

that only the argumentocracy
the only human form of government can be
like us ... the trillion homo sapiens in the universe
found out for a billion years
and work through that
this is confirmed

that everyone can understand


when a decision making
to go from anything else
how to find the best solution

if a party assumes it
if every voter assumes it

whether his solution
also politically feasible

then we have the catastrophes ...

then we have climate right ...
resources squandered rights
especially frustrated voters ...

annoyed citizens

the higher their intelligence ...
there is more and more evidence of ...
that they can not achieve anything
because they have no voice
in this democracy !

because even the inventors of democracy ...
the ancient greeks ...

at that time already some knew

that their invention
has this principal error
that this will cause a catastrophe

because we are going to look at democracy
so this is not just a fundamental catastrophe

but select this
yes ... educate the catastrophe potential of citizens
because in a democracy ...

turn everything around the earth
to come to power with the majority
and who can think ?

that these ... the right ...
the best decision makers ?

that is just against any scientific practice !

so democracy is not scientifically based
not at all scientifically proven

because every party in a democracy ... yes a party program
 that promotes the interests of ... a particular party electorate
creates again to come to power from this


 we can not tolerate any power !

  because everything has to be understandable
that is the human feature against the animals
they always think only about roguery
these always think of the majority
they always think about what is possible
thus ... the law of this law is the law
for a democracy ...

the 3rd Reich was one too !
  the biggest catastrophe of all time ...

so we need a possibility ... not depending on the mass ...
making the right decisions ...

and to introduce everyone
until all no longer different
only accept the best solution
because they just ...

no better arguments to bring forward

do you have a better idea?

already the word solution ...

will bring all these paranoid pests in panic

because as soon as someone introduces a real solution
he has no chance

to be acceptable anywhere in this world

the amish have the idea ....
that too much theory is the end of everything
but some do not always go along with this

so this world ends anyway
they do not see that !
because an uncle albert thinking my theory is everything
and he does not prevent world wars ... either
and even the atom bombs he delivers
so to make everything worse

that is not in a scripture
so not holding onto a Bible eg
definitely will bring the end

that is without a generally binding order
in any case > a world ends ...
people end

So what is the solution?
of course ... that everyone has to see ...
that without a binding order >
nothing will be preserved

you can not believe ... what you want
you can never do anything ... what you could !

neither as an individual ... nor as a mass!

so we need an order ...
that prevents this ...

who saves this world
dictate this !

no climate tilting rights
no resources to squander rights
no contamination rights
no butcher rights
in the hospital

 we can not compete with any parties
let go on this world ... where one
compete with the other

talk about ... "consumer prices down
producer prices up "

that only produces idiots
because they have a platform for their stupidity

we need an argumentocracy
that makes every good idea a success
and any stupidity to failure

so we do not need any parties
certainly no competing!

and how do we do that ...
we have to organize ourselves !

the argumentocracy

just works according to the principle
of the best solution

so a solution to a problem will be advertised
then all citizens in a city will bring their solution forward !
when no one can say anything better
this best solution will be presented in its county

until there the best ... of the best solutions will be taken
then to the state government
then to the federal ....

then we have the best of all solutions
which of course ... has to be scientifically proven
be in the interest of all citizens

no special interests

because a democracy divides a nation
because the argumentocracy unites all

do you have a better idea ?

this kind of solution

will as well work in science
in the industry ... in internet forums

the stupidity of democracy can never work in politics

or any where else

this greek catastrophe

that even millennia ago

many greek philosophers saw as a catastrophe


tyranny ...

this competitive insane anarchic
can only be the end !

because no homo sapiens are working
for their very end ... as already happened

no human can do this
to all these refugees

to lure them from the responsibility

through all this consumption
to fuel all this consumption
to all this through propaganda and advertising
fooled folks write about
so creating all this work

because I can not even find a note book
I would want to buy ... that is why I always using just garbage
get it back to work ... pc ... one out of 10
free programs ... only

because I will never buy such mischief
so a note book ... a tablet so thin and light
that it is not suitable to work with
not repairable

so we need to be against the paradigm
everything has to last as long as possible
and only one model for every application
and then you need spare parts
available for a million years

but this is enough
free beings must decide
to co-operate ... for the good of their future
not because everyone tasting his delusion
to the end of all

that already happened
because no one competes for 8 hours
to work every day ... let alone
from this full employment
this fully enslaved
to rave about

so a party has to come
the goals have ... to fully removable
no amount of delusional thought

and why is not it ?
of course because of the woman ... the mother
only their delusion sensible

only choose this one ... your tyranny
to realize the end of the world ...

and as a result ... every child already
one year old... to being the zombie of this monster

and therefore only an argumentocracy
a shutdown of the lanterns ...
a broadcast end ...

a power off from 18 to 6 in the morning
invite to a reflection

and ending all these entanglements
by developing work

and then be this world
and all the following already been saved

like with us ...
the trillion homo sapiens today
for a billion years

where our first planet
since that time

not only still living
but better

when it was a billion years ago

not a single meteorite
has ever hit our planet
 not a single flood

above all ... everyone is satisfied
there is no possibility
for any crime
for any war

what for ?

and of course in every million
x million worlds in this universe

already a giordano bruno
dreaming over 400 years ago

and what did this infallible tyrant do with him ?

the norm

with all these paranoid problems
insist ... ignore any solution by ..
to defend ... to deny

any entertainment ... any reason gifted
ignore as long as ignore ...
until he gives up the ghost

because their entire existence exists in it
your problems ... your problem
to have glorified

her whole problem existence
to maintain


an introduction to the religion

and history of the galactic nation

                  the homo sapiens
and the planet of the fata morgana

     this is a documentary

 .... from a visitor > from a far away galaxy >
   coming to us 26 millennia ago > in his spirit only ....
   having now incarnated in our own biology >
   to be telling us the story
   of his own civilization 


since we are homo sapiens ...
we have
of course no democracy
certainly no secret and free voting

but of course an argumentocracy
meaning ... where is the best solution
is used by all

because only the best solution
can be shaping our future for all eternity
where our universe
and all worlds
are preserved to eternity

and should someone
bring forward a scientifically provable
better solution > then this will be used

of course we have no theocracy
even though it is our entire existence
to conserve
this universe and all its people
so ... we live according to a religion

there is no humanity with power positions
but an alienating hierarchy

and alienation creates automatically
and principally criminal energy

which will lead to a secession
as soon as no power can prevent it
because power exertion makes it natural
to creating this cleavage

of course there is no money here
and consequently no capitalism
since this only can be the end
of every thing

we create everything that we need
so .... that we have everything
and of course we can keep it
for millions of years ...


on this planet ...

it is like a fata morgana !
you do not know what you even could do ...
because there is 
sparkling water in front of here

but actually you know >

that there is no water there !
but what else can a man do?

just to continue ...
because here at this point >
there is surely nothing to drink !

and there in front > there is no hope !
only at the end your dead by boredom ...

because this world is becoming the second venus
so only boiling water ... when ever ....

because there is  not even
a consciousness somewhere ....
no dialogue or public truth

only all these thirsty
trying with their last strength
reaching the water not being ...

the visitor

already from space coming ....
any intelligent visitor ... will see >

that this planetary population can be no homo sapiens !

just looking at the illumination of the dark side of the planet !
and this mass of radio transmissions for broadcasting .... entertainment

when every one should be resting !

because every human needs contemplation ....
otherwise he will be > becoming insane !

then ... when the visitor .... closing in .... and all this garbage ..... to be seen
he can only turn away disgusted >

and when we are coming down on  this ... "earth" .... then ...
every one is running from one drug of entertainment >
to the
next > drug of food ......

or this guarding the peoples humanity >>>
with wolves > with state licensing dog tags !

or just looking at those ideas > this population has
about an extra terrestrial civilization >

no longer ... any ..... rest period .... at all
just endless fun !

or the "search" of this earthlies >
for extra terrestrials ... via radio waves .....

then we know for sure
that this can only be simply a mass of insanity

and should more evidence of this be needed >
then we need just to look at this
animal love !

when every homo sapiens is knowing >
that animals never want to live in human dignity ...

this is a very unusual superiority >
of the homo sapiens in this universe ....

consequently they are > the only such > long enough there >
not just to
settle one galaxy  ....

but the whole universe !

documenting a day in the life    

of  > first planet < in the year 154 after creation >
of the first human settlement in this universe ......

note .... a responsible life style ...
can not only be the biggest fun in the universe ....
but being the only life style ... working endlessly ....

because every one can be convinced of what he should be doing !
forever ......

we are looking at > first planet > at our very right >
our sun > below left > what is looking like a tiny moon
being the space ship > watching out for the safety .....
parked in geo stationary orbit over the settlement >
with only the sensor doors open !

we are seeing no lights an the planet be low !
no sign of any settlement ... or manufacturing >
the only thing to indicating any population as of now >
are the out rigger sail boats beached > the solar electric rovers >
the solar powered river boats ....
but there is an emergency plan ready
to put all those under cover should any need arise !

the camouflaged hydro electric plant at the river fall is not operating
the lights for orientation in all the housing and control centers
is being supplied by tiny local thermo nuclear power plants
from the former uses on the robot ships
and planet rovers  ....

there is no other hind of any human population any where from here ....
naturally ... no broadcasting of any radio trans mission of this world
can be received at any distance

as all communication is done > by quanta communicators >
low power short distance equipment or through under ground lines  ....

we are now in the main command room >
the display showing >>> automatic surveillance mode on >
no space sensors > no space ships >

now asteroid on coordinates  6 39 15.70 > 2 16 22.17 >

received quanta message from planet two >
but no frequency messages >>>

since automatic mode started !

the crew sleeping > like all residents be low on the planet ....

we are now going toward the first planet > seeing a robot ship >
monitoring the settlement > seeing a predator going toward it ....
notifying the nearest planet rover automatically at the planet surface
there the animal repulsion system is activated >
and the tiger is making a U turn and going off

we are now in a cave > at the rivers bank >
seeing two children in the dawn of the new day !
the increasing light being brought in their room
by an automated mirror from the rising sun >

the led clock showing 5 45 .... the date 05 03 000 154 >  at this moment >
the boy is waking up and looking what time and saying aloud >
will to be getting up soon !

when his sister is opening her eyes too .....

now we are in the kitchen of the cave >
where the boy is telling his parents there >>>
that he does not want to go to school today >
but be playing with his friends at the river ....
his mom asking him >

what they are having in school today ?
and he startles ....

because he was to show off his experiment of mixing colors today !
so ... he thinks > he will be going to school today after all ...
to be showing off >

an electric motor
where a disk of all colors in sectors ....
will be becoming an off white once turning ...

the mother saying > we are having >
commanders day 100 th anniversary coming up in 3 days
then we will all be having off ...

and dancing and singing together all day long
do you remember what he has done for us ?

yes ... says the girl >
he was the founder of our religion >
he and his crew of a space ship

put the tyrant and his bandits of the empire on a planet to die ...
while having time to realize all their wrong doing ...

and settled this world for us >
free of any wrong doing ....


I am > because we all are !
and we can be > because I can be .....

what is the supreme law ?

the universe ... and any world
use only as defined by creation !

and consequently from this derive >
all commandments >

fundamental rights from !

as well as the requirement for peace !
all must recognize the present reality
and then ...  guarantee a new !
meaning an accountable life
providing for all ...

no mirage > without any delusion !
without physical force > without taboos ...
all must be addressable !
meaning capable of >

being a responsible citizen ...

then he went off in his spirit later on >
leaving his body be hind here >

to be helping a native population
living after our religion in some other galaxy !
and this day we are celebrating >
what he having done for us ....

all their other relatives are coming in now ...
many being over a hundred years old !

they are fixing breakfast now >
from the seeds they have been collecting days ahead
and rolling them out >

soaking them since last evening
and now adding fruits and nuts to it !
after eating the kids are going off to school >
half of the adults are going collecting lunch ingredients
the others going to their work ....

since this being the first settlement ...
the galactic council being here

and the co ordination of all the things to being done >

the council members
are considering the danger from the asteroid >
sending a robot ship to it > to making star dust out of it >
to fertilizing our planet !

the message from planet two will be considered now ...

to our dear galactic counsel members 
as you know ....

we have arrived at our new home month ago ! taking inventory of all plants and animals pathogens and toxins ... atmospheric components being confirmed ... animal population is in a very early state ! having selected a location for the new settlement ! like our first> at first planet ... at a river bank in a desert within the tropics >

since the sun shining less than at first planet > we will be limiting the settlements to the near equator ... there are limited places for caves ... so > we will later be building partially submerged housing there > since the bank mostly does not have enough slope to it and since there .... be no more need for exclusively camouflaged housing ...

we will be all moving into our new housing now >

to be celebrating commanders day ...
all together on our new future planet !

leaving the space ship two > at automatic command mode ...

our dearest regards to all of you >
for having made this possible ....

commander ss 2

the counsil members compose a reply and congratulations >
for the successful start of a new settlement ....
on the second planet ...

there while in a another galaxy >
spirit of the commander !

working on the evolution to a higher race >
there !

the harbor being down river >
the space craft factory being at the hydro electric plant
up the river  ... right here >

many service work shops for all the technology used
note books having direct led screens ...
every pixel having one triple led
using less than 1 watt >

the rest having only 100 mhz >
and the OS being optimized

as well as all the applications for this ....

there is only one model for each use >
and that being build to last a 1000 years ....

then at 11 they all coming together again to eating lunch
under the trees by the river ...

then at 1 pm they are going
to take place at the workers who are now hunting
and collecting for diner and the next day until 5 pm

then eating together with their families ...
after they are just resting and talking things over
so no problems are unsolved ... till at about mid night >
they are having a snack

to be sleeping again till the morning ....

there is no hierarchy ...

because this would be an alienation
and be a coming problem for all !

everything must be
transparent >
everything must be understood by all !
only in an emergency > there is a command structure >
thus > in a spaceship
> at a sea crossing >
so if there is no time for talks !

but even then all orders ... spoken
about in retrospect
and reviewed by all ...
to find the better answer !

just as there is no democracy or theocracy ...
since only ... if all can agree >
the answer can be right !

and only if there is no time there will be >
temporary solutions used ....
till a better solution is found !

and should any individual or a group
not be responsible for our universe >
not willing to be responsive ...

then this necessity
will be carried forward with all force !

while there is every freedom to act on your own
there must be no exclusion for any one or any thing >

everything must > stay part of the creation !
because as soon as anybody is excluded
he will be feeling alienated ....

then arises >>>
a criminal association ...

and each organized crime on a world >
even this whole universe > we will  prevent !
there can be no freedom for the destruction of a people
or a world > and this is the core of our religion !

where there is no deception what so ever

only homo sapiens > knowing exactly > what they are doing >
and what effect this is having on eternity ...

>     genesis <

> the emergence of the first homo sapiens in this universe

..... it happened in another galaxy ....
more than a billion years ago >

the suspension <<<

the location > a space ship of the imperial forces on a reconnaissance flight
for a potential new colony

> the commander and his crew >> being the members of a new religion
schedule the launching of quantum communicators
for the posting of fictitious place data intended
for the imperial center
robot ships  .....

this data adhering to the prescribed course !
as well as
some quantum communicators
for fictional communications ....

as soon as those are on the destination 
they will
fake the destruction of the command spaceship

the robot ships will then return
to the mother ship on the new course >

the other quantum communicators >
have already been secretly destroyed
removal of the entangled quanta 
in these
.... forever ....

therefore it will no longer be possible
to communicate with the imperial center

today the powers of the imperial center on this spaceship>
will be dis empowered and deposed on the nearby planet
only with the possibilities of primitive hunters and collectors

two robot ships will be left on  this world >
to enforce
the conditions >

create no signs for any one to see from space
no settlements .... plantings > markers
no radio or light ... fire sign development

otherwise they will be every time > be de powered > a method
the individual
lying for hours in terrible pain  ....

until they adhere to the conditions !

they should have time>
for their gruesome slavery methods becoming conscious of !

at this meeting >
the emperor
notifying to his claims >
as supreme commander and as the owner of the spaceship !

which is countered >
that everything
belonging to the creator of this universe
and we are just the managers of all !

that this ship
was built by millions of hours  through slaves
it being on
time .... it will perform a righteous purpose !
use it for a decent way of life in this universe ....

after this meeting >
there remain only the emperor and 2 of his adjutants to be deposed of
since there are some minors of the imperial center > joining
the new mission> which provides >

that the spaceship diagonally at this present course
going to a planet known only to them >
but not by the imperial center >
through .... 

distortions made by the crew
but this region having been carefully explored >
providing ...

that the new ones are not found ..... so easily

they could no longer .... stand watching
the slavery emanating from this empire
have for years thought of a way
to be sneaking a way

to live a simple and decent life in this universe!

and this priority for their future security ....
will from the beginning be their first priority >

they will only create underground settlements
only collect naturally growing fruits and
catches of wild fish and ...
hunting .....

in a different galaxy
they can be sure of not be coming prisoners of this empire again  ....

they will only use animal paths for their movements >
but they will not keep any animals >

since this would be incompatible with their religion
animals are no decent .... citizens >
friends or neighbors !

they will of course not make any lights outside in the night
and absolutely no power broadcasting of radio waves !

they will for their communications >> their energy >
use only wiring >
invisible > underground .....

because their religion allowing no light at night any ways >
except for orientation at their home and
necessary news >
no distractions > no entertainment !

should later bigger settlements
on different continents
> islands of their new world ... develop
then the quantum communicators for news etc
will be equipped with new entangled quanta

thus ensuring a secure transmission

they will make the spaceship
invisible by perfect camouflage
for the transition use it for their food research + health care

and then later> when new generations have been growing up >
many other worlds with .....

to better the prospects for their survival !

this >
the story of the genesis of the modern homo sapiens
in many galaxies
of this universe >

their development of the technology
for un manned colonization
to other galaxies .....

giving ... no other race to this day > the capability to attack us
as we settle on ..... in principle .... only those galaxies >
where no other technologically advanced race ....

and because we observe all evolution in our galaxies .....
long handed in advance ..... each .... even the potential
of a threat to our way of life ......

the further development of the galactic religion >
the galactic nation and its institutions in many galaxies
and of course> the history of the emergence of  the ......

counsil galactic central

being a new meaning >
because it never is telling any one any thing
or being told what so ever

but just bringing forth the best solutions
every one can be agreeing on

this is therefore a documentary  > no fairy tale >
even though for a citizen of this planet >
it may be sounding like a nightmare .....

since their empire ....
their paradise >
at best a ... hypocritical ... seemingly decent
and their power position in it ...

the freedom to enslave others >
their highest priority !

because for people ..... living honorably >
responsibly ..... is simply unacceptable for them !

the further development ...


> 10 years after <

after arriving here at our new home ....
we are preparing ... to live here!

by taking samples of all ... through a planet rover >
from each plant > animal > vermin > pathogen ....

then we create vaccines > to live healthy
without diseases ... any deficiency or poisoning !

the new planet ... a little smaller than our original
therefore everything is easier ... to realize and much easier handling ...

our new sun ... a little smaller too >
having a rest life time ... we hope almost 10 billion years
having less UV radiation ... our year is much shorter ...

but as we will be on the border of the tropics and subtropics
the plants there still having enough time to mature

and because there are always different kinds growing ....
some thriving in the winter time .... some in spring ... summer or autumn .....

we will be having no problems !

we explore a place on a river
the location being in a desert >

but massively fed from a remote mountain range
where on both sides everything grows in abundance !

on the steep hills on one side ....
we build an underground settlement in the light tuff
where already natural caves exist by erosion
we are digging further inconspicuously
from these

for our underground settlement .....
where every morning the sun is shining in ...
to wake up every one !

then we are working in the work shops until lunch
afterward .... working outdoors ... getting animals and fish
until dinner ...

as well > we are having under the protection
of the trees along the river

the laundry ... baths ... and all big workshops set up
and the big kitchen ... because there to every thing >
easier to transport to !

and there ... we as well are eating all together ....
afterwards only contemplation and discussions with the family ....

the first children of this new world are growing up
and some
appropriate .... after their training
will then colonize other worlds !

we are using the thermo nuclear generators of the robot ships
to having energy .... until we build bio gas plants
where all the bio waste will get in there ....

for cooking and preparing hot water!
for our gas power plant ...

afterward shall the mud again be
supplied back to nature 
as a fertilizer!

we do not want to use hydro power for now ....
until we are sure > that it will not expose our existence

so far > no report from the telescope on our spaceship
meaning no imperial ships or probes ....

we find crude fibers to weaving ...
for fabrics and making clothes !

we build an outrigger sailboat to crossing the river ...
and trips to the nearby coast ... where grass seeds are growing
and everything other we can use !

to getting all we need .... for the growing population ....

> the end of empire <

we learn from the robot ships ... left at the exile planet >
that the emperor and his two henchmen ... are death >

and many years later> that by losing the emperors ship >
the embarrassing dis empowerment on our part ...
even the empire itself sinking into chaos >
all those riots and sabotage >

as the empire now headless > without true knowledge ...
character >

every one trying just to savor rulers paradise !

resources squandering > contaminating the environment>
instigating wars > destroying all >

for the preservation of their power ...

until only a few > in miserable existence .... remain !
from this empire will come no
danger  to us ...

but we know that not ... until much later!

> the first generation <

the children thrive in this
heavenly environment
we do not have the slightest problem !

we can take on any problem immediately and directly address
to find a general realization >

the education of the spaceman going ahead as well ...
only no one really ... wants to get away from here >

therefore we decide > to first develop this world more >
before some of us leave it ...

to populate some other planet !

> the commander going his way <

he has developed a way
for immaterial remote sensing > other worlds
where higher animals have already developed >
serve for the incarnation of our religion .....

he predicts > that he will leave behind his body now for ever and will go to another galaxy with out it > only his spirit because the distance for manned flight > is much to large ! he will help the native population there in their own system developing towards > according to our religion .....

saving them from going into barbaric competitions through incarnating him self into the native population !

he informs some of us > of a means to call him
should we need him ........ or he him self ... us >
but he can only with his spirit coming back to us >

his body we should bury after his death .....

.... the message ....

on the inter galactic frequency we receive one day
a wireless message > from a radio amateur ...
reporting of the end of the empire !

we are considering what to do ?
we could fly to another position >
to not directly betray us ...

and reply from there ...
but what could help this ?
such a sick population as this there ....
no man can help with words !

there is not even a possibility
our intention ... our lives to describe there !
they would not believe us even >

that there are homo sapiens in this universe!

and why would anyone want to limit itself
in its power ruling
... for to good of the future ?

if these offenders there
only just do not want to do this !

we could fly there >
and what could we do there ?

we could start a war ....
with these now stake holders >
could free them > of their stupidity !

but who would want this ?
we want certainly no war >
they want ....

only their irresponsible life !
this now crystal clear ....

so who then wanted to start a war ?
if not any danger ......

no chance of having any success ???

there is not even a real law and order there >
not any real religion for homo sapiens !

no conscience > no haze of something other ...
only endless power play ...

and when we would free those slaves ....
and selecting a 1000 from the general public
and then flying them here

we would have 1000 potential tyrants here >
problems for our future !

there is a treatment for those >
but since they would have to want to first being healthy >
and which a disease wants to get ... well ?

we thought that it was just >>> the emperor !
but now we know > that it is also each and every one
tacking part in this >

because ... we could have taken part in this further >
in this eternal game of the rulers paradise ...

where only the position of power decide >
how much does he savor !

how many resources squandered ....
how much the environment contaminated
how many people forever tortured to death!

of course ... we will not reply >
as we never send out radio waves !
which can leave our world ...

we shudder only ... if we think of all of these !

it is not just about our security >
it is about the future of this whole universe ....

100 years after ....

we have many settlements on our world
visit with our vector fin outrigger sailboats
and deliver key parts ....

we build solar power freighters for inland navigation
and areas with little wind ....

we have at a waterfall ... far above our river
a hydro electric power plant ... installed underground >
and on the cliffs there >

a roof with vegetation on top camouflaging a factory
for our robot ships and space ship production ...

for ground transport > we build desert rovers >
with solar powered electric drive ...

of course bicycles ....
with direct front wheel hub drive !

we stay young through proper eating
and as well exercise every day in the sunshine ...
of course because of our satisfaction!
and because we know ....

to be doing the right thing

we use> the thermo nuclear generators >
from our robot ships etc > after exchange >
for a long time coming !

for example in the settlement area
where the weight factor / current output are of no concern

then after centuries using them there > the remains >
are smashed further by artificial neutron bombardment >
till these residual isotopes to becoming lead >>>

over the whole period of time ... the waste heat
continue to be used or the electricity produced

of course we will mine the uranium > for this to begin with >
safe > meaning underground > and with mine robots ....

so there will not only be no danger> created for the environment
but de facto > the radiation dose from this natural source
even be reduced in the long term

the whole production process of this thermo generators
and their reuse conversion > will of course be done with robot systems
and monitored by us via video continuously >

our pcs have ... inclusive monitor >
a power consumption of < 1 watt equivalent
because our programs are so optimized >
that they are only some mbs

and consequently only need a few mhz !

there is only one kind for any purpose
so there are spare parts and renovation for
millions of years guaranteed

our lighting fixtures have led > and by over sizing them >
therefore maximum efficiency > use only a few milli watts >
under difficult working conditions ... about one watt ....
and they are functioning some millions of hours

of course we apply sun radiation via mirror deflection
in our workshops > wherever possible

of course we work normally only in the day time
and our lighting is for guidance mostly
in our living places at night ...

1000 year after ....

we scan further along our space environment
crumble all meteors > which are dangerous to us
so they fall as star dust only ....

we visit for the first time our world of origin !
and film the destruction caused by endless wars
and the exploitation of resources ....

but never make contact with the few survivors
there because of lack of metals > are living ...>
dying like in the stone age !

we as well are also making no contact
with any vermin and predatory animals .....

who simply have no use for our way of life
are pure creature of instinct ...

slaves to their criminal environment !
simply atrocious ...

compared with us > where you can not even see >
that there are people living > because we save each screw >
every piece of metal .... and reuse every thing !

never make anything out of order
or build it just for a limited time
but for an eternity .....

although we seem to have no enemies anywhere
but just for the esthetics > we camouflage all technology
laying high voltage dc lines in the river

all the others ...
can be camouflaged in an emergency!

a million years after ....

our original world ... does not ... have any more people
on it ... because of the contamination everywhere ...
the lack of resources and foresight

and because of this hopeless stupidity
they are gone extinct ... bored to their own death

we have now settled several other worlds in our galaxy
and through immaterial mind transfer > some other galaxies
for our life as homo sapiens

there are no wars > no contamination >
no hunger in our civilization any where
because all ... are part of every thing ...
all have the possibility

within the line of the universe
to realize all we want ....

we show our videos ... of our former world
in social .... political ... and religious lessons !

and no one can believe it >
that there is such a mentally handicapped population possible !

we exchange ideas via mental visits with the other galaxies ....
as well our former commander

being the beginning of the counsil galactic central
as well the be ginning of the galactic nation existing already !
we continuously contact all via quantum communicators ...

the galactic religion ... the essence of our life > perfected
seeing any risk for our intelligent life ... long ahead ....
having an answer for everything !

everyone can be helping to perfect ...
we all want to live in a paradise for all ...

where there are no victims > no perpetrators >

no shame > no conceit .... all true and real ....

paradise every where !

one billion years later ....

we are represented in many galaxies >
by mental transfer ....

through the incarnation in advanced animal bodies !

and over all this time to have our idea
endlessly proven ... the homo sapiens race !

only there was ... just mean idiot selection
created by such a stupid idea > as this world here ....

where one idiot with the other competing >
to all these idiots delight ... in their insanity >
the great stupidity .... their mass of enslavement !

creating meaningless jobs !
house hold delivery of toxins !

people being driven to freak out!
preventing any solutions !

see this planet satan here .....

the further development of the galactic religion

we having been thinking all these years about ...
how we could protect
our way of life against any destruction ...
so .... we develop our religion further >

what is the supreme law ?

the universe ... and any world
use only as defined by creation !

and consequently from this derive >
all commandments >

fundamental rights from!

as well as the requirement for peace !
all must recognize the present reality
and then ...  guarantee a new !
meaning an accountable life
providing for all ...

no mirage > without conceit !
without physical force > without taboos ...
all must be addressable !
meaning capable of >
being a responsible citizen ...

> galactic central <

we are creating an information institute
where all knowledge is collected >
organized and analysed

> galactic nation <

is there for all homo sapiens ....
in all
intelligent nations of this universe

 > counsil galactic central <

  after many worlds in other galaxies having been inhabited by us
  we develop an institution >

  where always some of us in their galactic neighborhood
  are chosen to visit by immaterial exchange and keeping
  the connection to all of us !

  receiving information for all proposals and provide expert opinions
  for the improvement of all .... on going ... but never telling any thing
  or being told .... only information to being used if accepted by all ...


galactic foundation

we are the guardians of creation

the homo sapiens ...

being the basis of our civilization for our success in eternity with his never ending wisdom > his total responsibility where no one ... no idea ... no solution will be shunned > no resource being wasted > no environment being spoiled > no security measure left out where there is no hierarchy > because every one is the most important being ! at our never ending paradise on any world in this universe we at the galactic foundation > are searching constantly finding any and all danger to our society coming from degeneration and pest keeping every homo sapiens informed > what a difference they are making ! there while any and all danger to our universe will be eliminated through > our galactic pest control program ...

the universe ... can not be an organized crime >
with its technology > its predatory instinct
on every world > every galaxy >
yes ... in the whole universe
so ... may not hold people from a responsible way of life
since this is without responsibility
since those organized criminals
understanding only their animal
instinkt ...

the law of the universe >

each one citizen can only use his world
for a purpose of the universe > for creation !
and not for the destruction of their worlds
and certainly not for the destruction
of all responsible life ...

every little child knowing this in our society !
and everyone can understand it >>>
because they are having a comprehension ...

fellow humans ... should therefore their fellow human >

to be an inspiration and not an inspiration for this >

end to your world > but to be keeping it as long as possible

> meanwhile > all people are so healthy

and always living healthier!

always freed from any danger

doing less and less for their material needs

not this one day throwing away production

not these hamster wheels >

with those migratory locusts economies

the end of your world and the end of all intelligent life

already achieved

a technology may only serve the people

not for his enslavement > not
to being terrified to his end
not as a drug > because he's not able to stand this reality
can not bear at all > can not stand

not as a conceit > he would be a success >

not as a distraction > from reality

but we need homo sapiens > no idiots selection

for a secure future > for a future at all

so we need the education to a homo sapiens

not to a suicide assassin > these all are ....

because there is no fundamental difference

between any Islamic state > and his religion

or such a satanic state > who puts his delusion through

no difference between such a terrorist president

or such a freak out > who seeing no other choice

as just to be shooting around > just like all of them

terror states always are killing all resistance !

just to not grasp > that this whole world being the problem >
and no one has a solution!

nobody wanting a solution ...

the individual ...

can not be let to enjoying his idiotic egoism

at the expense of the environment and its fellow human beings

nor can he be enslaved > to a mass of insane >

to let their masses enjoy idiotic egoism

to destroying their world and destroying the people

to this horrible reality today

the only possibility for a sustainable world

and a society worthy of its people

to an endlessly functioning environment

an endlessly functioning society

be ... that all first

to recognize the need of a valid order!

and implement this > that all >

endless with one another in an open dialogue

every day > always discussing the reality anew

where everyone has a voice > not just the mass >

meaning a majority of insane

as now!

and consequently use this public truth

as a basis for your all decisions made

to realize a real righteous state

to fulfill all valid laws

to living a valid religion

homo sapiens?

only harm can come from them!
to the climate > the resources >
the seas > the land and the future !

of course to every homo sapiens > who knows
that all this harm to his world will end it ...

the meaning of a human life >

is to work out a decent way of life
realize it > live it  > guarantee it for all !

because only then .... is he a human being !

and therefore there is no meaning here on this world !
as there is no humane order

because humans only want to live decently
can be > must be ....!

otherwise they will be dissatisfied with themselfs >
until they can live as humans !

so to achieve this >

the meaning in life of each person ....
is to make just this happen !

until then ... they feel like losers >
indeed they are .... in reality!

only by their conceit procurement >
this is represented as a success >

eves insane aspiration of the true love ....

thus ... the person she will select > being as in any animal tribe >
to spoil her immeasurably .... this existing for millions of years
and until 100 years ago ... this was just inhumane !

but today .... this being the big animal love ...
straight to be the problem ... because eve still >
marry the great pamperers  ... materially and or psychologically >

a homo sapiens having not the slightest chance !
only these clever critters .... trained by her ....

eve ... was and be never so generally suppressed !
but in a stone age society > roughly equivalent with adam ....

but in this western version > where eve can sit around
and wait until her requirements of this insane love is full filled >

guarded by a so inhumanity as this insane western society >
where useless work being created and trained animals > state licensed >

she be the absolute ruler > the tyrant over life and death !
since she needs no man > biologically speaking .... emotionally
but man be entirely dependent on eve ....

else nothing will come of him > even with a pope >
he adores ...  yes > must worship mother mary !!!
otherwise he would never becoming a Pope ....

of course there are exceptions >
of any outbursts over all this injustice !
so if a man .... to lock her in the cellar

or he makes his exploitation >
to have access to a biological necessity !
he never could work out under humane conditions ...

so eve be .... with her animal demands >
and no responsibility for the future or humans
be the cause of this worlds dying ......

and as long as this insanity of the suppression of eve >
being perpetuated in a single nation ... for selfish motives >

for men .... the world to be put to their death >>>

as long as there will be no rescue for this world
consequently ... we need of course eves great friend >

the trained predator >
from all areas of human society !
because children growing up with
predators >
will be just
idiotic offenders ....

they .... of course .... to make no future !

homo sapiens > the now soooo oppressed ....
being capable to work on a solution >
to realize
this worlds rescue .....

but those in fact .... can not exist

how is an eve supposed  ?

to care for something other ....
then savor heir satanic symbiosis fully !
if no one will constrain her > such as a religion >
a tradition > a society!

while .... in this country they are so glorified by all >
because they too .... are just a mentally retarded choice !
from this it follows ... a mentally retarded world .....

how is some adam ?
care for something other .... then to savor his satanic symbiosis
if no one here to force him other wise >
such as a religion > a tradition > a society !

while in this country he is so glorified by all >
because they too are a mentally impaired choice !
from this we follow a mentally retarded world .....

how is a free market economy to function ?
if they may only build rummage > going of next week in the garbage
while the climate being flipped > squandering the resources >
damaging ...

otherwise they will not selling long any thing !

how is there supposed to be justice  ???
in such a satanic world ....

and how should this pest allow ... any homo sapiens ?
if they can not be in a position to >

even knowing > what was right .... or wrong .....

as soon as the individual ....

themselves are out of bounds of the general future design
for example ... because they want to hide their criminal intentions ....
meaning ... this idiot selfishness .... to further savor just this ....
or any individual > the responsible > being excluded !

can this be no humanity >
but a criminal association !

because only when all have part in it .....
and most importantly ... may be part of this >
can this be righteous and consequently .... an honorable society !
and the honor of every one must always be the first priority ....

thus we need all to be heard >
observe all valid arguments >>>

and on this basis .... meaning this compiled ... public reality >
make our decisions > our future design !

otherwise this is not a rule of law ....
but a criminal association ... as usual ....
this will not be functioning long

see as well the 11th commandment of the galactic religion !

and only having a decent ... honorable future design a true living together 
can prevent disasters > since they take into account all the reality >

where as any criminal association > meaning all of them now >
end necessarily > because of all these disasters they are creating >
because they have not ... the reality as their counselor !
but their fata morgana  .... where no water awaiting 
though their equally insane >
procurement !

homo sapiens ?

it is not ... that those masses are insane >
so actually the opposite of rational !

but all of them ? .... competingly criminal ....
which should be condemned by every law authority !

since they are all ? .... a general danger to this world > since inhumane !
condemning each other .... to state forced labor  >

forcing each other .... to drug selling > toxins > narcotics >
and buying those ! .... in absence of any thing else to do >

entertainment >>> artificial > visual and hot sounds !
for the distraction of this gruesome reality .....

traveling to other mass delusional centers !
or the really big delusional freedom >

the patient nature .... and their " loving " animals !
the certified freedom from a humanity  .....


life should be about human dignity !

about an intelligent life ... because only if every one is being treated as an intelligent human can there be a human civilization long enough to even blink your eye so ... life should not be a game at ever higher levels should not be about > making out of pawns > big players ! that is simply absurd ... because the planetary resources will not be there long enough for even a million years ! nor the very environment ! nor an intelligent population ... because players will not be responsible citizens ! because their endeavor having just not this very important > basic ingredient in there ! so .... we need no highly educated players ! we need responsible entities ... and their capabilities are then used > for the security ... the human dignity of all .... for a billion years ! on this planet > and for eternity .... on other worlds ... in other universa so ... all power emanating from the government should be about > to guarding human dignity .... or every thing will be over in a 100 years ! its clear to see .... for any homo sapiens ...


this population must becoming sane or disposed of!
there is no alternative for the universe ...

so free and secret majority voting
must be abolished

and publicly argued on an internet forum
for solutions where everyone can participate >
where everyone
to put forward a better argument >
to one for all
binding solution present > no mass delusion!

because the majority is always wrong >
and only a few right and we need a solution >
we need an argumentocracy!

can some one suggest a better argument ?
for a responsible life ...

and only a responsible life
can save this world > no mass delusion !
is this clear to all ?

because democracy was already wrong
according to some of the ancient greeks !

so it must be made public > that women are not suppressed
but the cause of all problems > meaning the problem !

because she only dreams of the destruction of all higher life

so we need the education to being homo sapiens !
so a galactic university > showing the solutions

galactic university

cosmic community

galactic foundation

publishing company 

galactic central information